Krastyu Tomov, a student at ARC Academy – for one of the best impulsive decisions he made
Krastyu Tomov is a student in the Game Design program at ARC Academy. He is creative and always looking for new ideas. He dreams of developing in the game industry, creating games that entertain and excite players.
What inspires you and how did you get into the creative field?
It’s hard to pinpoint exactly what inspires me, maybe because it’s a lot of things.
I often find that inspiration comes from simply walking down the street, and looking around me. Other times it happens while watching a movie, playing some game, or just after talking with friends.
What made me go into the creative field? I always knew I would do something creative, I just didn’t think it would be in the games industry, it was pure coincidence.
How did you find ARC Academy and why did you decide to apply?
I came across ARC completely by accident. I was just finishing a Game Development course elsewhere and an ad came up on YouTube for a 2D Platformer contest, which was the game I was developing at the time, and I decided to enter.
Let’s just say that enrolling in ARC Academy was one of my most impulsive decisions.
What do you like most about studying?
Perhaps the most I like the practical orientation of the tasks and already as a second-year student, the training on the production pipeline itself in the game industry.
Another thing I like is the training from professionals in the field, because as my grandmother likes to say, “Craft is stolen”.
And last but not least, you meet cool people who have the same interests as you.
What does a game designer do and what is the most important skill to have?
A game designer deals with many things, from coming up with game mechanics and balancing, to writing documentation, and many other things.
In my opinion, the most important thing for him is to make the game interesting and create an emotion in the players.
What is the most important skill he should have? This is a question I’m still trying to answer myself, but I think it’s extremely important for a game designer to be able to be inspired by everything, as well as to be able to listen to the ideas of others, because even the most ridiculous sounding idea, something truly special can be created.
How do you dream of developing in the industry?
Let’s say for now I want to gain experience and develop my skills.
What advice would you give to someone wondering whether to apply to the academy?
Don’t be surprised! If you enjoy creating things whether for gaming or the film industry and want to develop at a professional level, ARCs will help you.
If you, like Krastyu, are inspired by a wide variety of things and love to create exciting stories, apply during the early admission and become part of the ARC Academy Preliminary course for the 2024/2025 academic year.