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Hristo Chukov

concept artist, illustrator, and art director


Hristo Chukov is a concept artist, illustrator, and art director with more than 15 years of experience in the entertainment industry. His projects include films and TV shows for Disney, Marvel, FOX, Amazon Prime, New Line Cinema, Wachowski, as well as computer, mobile and tabletop games, including Magic: The Gathering. For the past few years, Hristo has worked with Aaron Sims Creative Studio and Luma Pictures – two of the largest film production and visual effects studios in Los Angeles. He also works for one of the most popular publishing houses in the United States of America – Penguin Random House. From 2016 to 2022, he was the art director of Gameloft – Sofia.


The projects and universes he has worked on and works on include: Dr. Strange, I am Groot – Guardians of the Galaxy, Wachowski’s “Speed ​​Racer”,  Steven King’s “IT”, Disney’s and FOX adaptation of the famous comic “Mouse Guard”, Magic: The Gathering – Lord of The Rings, Ixalan, Ravnica, Strixhaven and Fallout sets, “The World of Blood and Fire” – The story of the Targaryens by Penguin Random House and New York Times and many others.