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Game programs

Turn your passion into skills

The Game Industry

Creating games is just as exciting as playing them.

Modern video games are complex, multi-layered projects where art, design and technology come together. Every game is a result of the creativity and expertise of artists, designers and programmers, working together to create a compelling game.

From the concept sketches to the final product, game development requires specialized skills and an understanding of the entire creative process. Whether you’re working on visual concepts, modeling 3D worlds, designing gameplay mechanics or programming – at ARC Academy you’ll gain the knowledge and practical experience needed to get started in the game industry.


ARC Academy offers both on-campus and distance programs in Game Art, Game Design and Programming.

For beginners, we provide 5-month preparatory programs that lay a solid foundation in digital technologies and creative processes.

For those who are ready to specialize, the Academy offers a choice among Concept Art, 3D Art and Game Design in both on-campus and distance formats. Game Programming is available exclusively in on-campus format.

Preliminary programs

Foundations in Digital Arts

  • 5 months
  • Preliminary course
  • Distance

This program combines traditional art (anatomy, perspective, composition and color theory) with digital techniques in Adobe Photoshop and Blender. It is an ideal preparation for aspiring artists who want to build a strong foundation before specializing.

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Foundations in Game Art and Design

  • 5 months
  • Preliminary course
  • Distance

An introductory program covering the core principles of game development. Learn how to create compelling worlds and characters, and discover how levels, narratives and art shape the successful gaming experience.

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Specialized Programs

If you have a strong foundation and prior knowledge, you can dive deep into your chosen specialty and develop the skills needed for a career in the creative industries.

Concept Art

  • 2 years
  • On-campus
  • Distance

Develop skills in character, environment, and prop design through digital drawing and visual storytelling. Learn the techniques for creating complex concept art projects.

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3D Art

  • 2 years
  • On-campus
  • Distance

Gain expertise in the entire 3D pipeline, from modeling to texturing. Work with industry-standard softwares like Blender and Maya to build a professional 3D portfolio.

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Game Design

  • 2 years
  • On-campus
  • Distance

Learn the core principles of game development, including gameplay mechanics, level design and balance. Develop your skills by creating your own game concept.

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Game Programming

  • 2 years
  • On-campus

Master game development, working with game engines and code optimization.

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Career Opportunities

  • International AAA Studio – Work on large-scale projects with top industry professionals.

  • Dynamic Indie Studio – Create innovative and unique games in a fast-paced environment.

  • Mobile Games – Join one of the fastest-growing segments in the industry.

  • Remote Work in a Game Studio – Contribute to game development from anywhere in the world.


See the stories of our successful graduates, their stories and how ARC Academy helped them develop professional skills and gain practical experience necessary to launch a career in the creative industries.

Всички отзиви

Михаил Иванов

2D concept designer, Evolution Engineering Bulgaria

“Аз започнах работа още преди да завърша академията, но професионализмът на лекторите, съветите и знанията, които ми предадоха по време на обучението отключиха в мен желанието да се развивам, да уча и усъвършенствам всеки ден. С тази нагласа идва самочувствието и увереността в това, което правиш и показваш, когато кандидатстваш за работна позиция. Всичко друго е въпрос на много труд и мъничко късмет.”

Панайот Николов

Associate Producer, Associate Producer

“Обучението в ARC Academy ми помогна много да намеря своя глас, своето място, както и най-трудното – хора със сходни интереси. Практическата насоченост на програмата, ежедневните сесии за обратна връзка и факта, че преподавателите са хора от индустрията, които живо се интересуваха от прогреса на своите студенти, със сигурност помогнаха най-много в дългосрочен план.”

Теодор Каламов

Concept Artist, Haemimont Games

“Нашите преподаватели бяха професионалисти с опит в тази сфера и те ме запознаха с очакванията и реалностите на индустрията. Един вид бях нарамен с нужните знания, за да си направя сметка как да се подготвия и какво да сложа в портфолиото си, което в крайна сметка ми помогна за намирането на работа.”

Анастасия Желева

Concept Artist, Gameloft Sofia

“ARC Academy те подготвя за реална работа в гейм студио като те свързва с професионалисти от индустрията и помага да развиеш потенциала си на изключително високо ниво. Ако някога си искал да си част от процеса на създаване на игри, ARC е мястото за теб.”


Got a question?

Book a free consultation with the ARC team

If you’d like more information on the application process, admission requirements or enrollment, feel free to write to us and a team representative will get in touch with you shortly.
