Interview with Eduard Khachikian – Game Dev (Advanced)

Eduard Khachikyan is in the Advanced Game Dev program at ARC Academy this year. Before joining the Academy, he had plans to study in the Netherlands, where he could turn his passion for painting into a career. His parents are the ones who first pointed out ARC to him as an opportunity for development in the game industry in Bulgaria. Driven by his great love for video games, he immediately fell in love with the idea and applied.
How Eduard takes it as his personal mission to change the game industry and show the world that there are many talented people in Bulgaria, find out from the interview with him:
Tell us a little about yourself, what are your hobbies and what do you like to do?
Hello, my name is Eduard. I am 20 years old and have been in the Advanced program of ARC Academy since this year. In my spare time, I enjoy drawing, which has been my passion since childhood, and I decided to turn it into a career. I also like to watch series and movies that inspire me, and naturally, I like to play video games.
How did you get into ARC Academy and the gaming industry?

I turned to ARC Academy thanks to my parents, who showed me the Academy as an opportunity to develop in the gaming industry in Bulgaria. I thought about enrolling to study in the Netherlands because, at the time, it seemed like the only possibility. When I found out about the Academy and what it had to offer, I was immediately hooked and I happily enrolled. I turned to the gaming industry itself because of my great love for video games and the fact that I wanted to be a part of the process of creating them. But I didn’t always want to work in the gaming industry. Until the 10th grade, I dreamed of becoming a 2D animator, but then I found that animation wasn’t for me and turned to another great love of mine, video games.
What do you think is the most important quality that an artist should have?
In my opinion, the biggest quality that any artist should have is to be persistent, believe in their own abilities, and not give up on the little obstacles in their lives. However, they are not afraid to try new things, even if he thinks that they are useless for their development. Nothing he learns will be useless to their development as an artist. In fact, it will be of great benefit to them in the future. So give it your all and do all sorts of experiments, but don’t give up, even if you fail a million times.
What are your future goals?
My goals in the future are to break into the game industry and show the world that there is a lot of talent in Bulgaria. This is also one of the main goals of ARC Academy, so I am happy with my choice to study here and I hope to help, even a little, with this interview.

If you also want to start your career in the game industry, you can enroll in the early application for the 2022/2023 class until March 31st. All enrollees during this period will have the opportunity to participate in the mentoring program. It will run throughout the summer, with students receiving assignments and feedback from their mentors.