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Who does what in the game industry? (part 3)

In “Who does what in the game industry? (part 2) you learned what the work of programmers, game testers and game designers involves. If you still do not recognize yourself in any of the roles so far, today we will tell you about two more professions in which you can find your vocation.

Module 6: Concept art (2D)

Hristo Chukov, Art Director at Gameloft Sofia, told us that a good conceptual artist is creative, brave and fast. Antoni Hristov, co-founder of ARC Academy, talked about the charm of the profession – “to make the viewer suspend his disbelief and dive into the world we create” Our student Svet, an intern at Gameloft Sofia, also took part in the lecture. He spoke about the inspiration he draws from his new colleagues, as well as his contribution to the creation of mobile games through his work.

Hristo Chukov was asked about the lecture:

Very positive! The participants really wanted to learn more and asked tons of good questions Unfortunately, we could not answer all of them, but that is why there is ARC Academy 

Module 7: Modeling and Animation (3D)

Nikolay Naidenov, 3D character designer at Gameloft Sofia, told us how important it is to have your own artistic place in the game studio that inspires you to create. He also taught our students some basic tools in 3D modeling software by showing them how to create a 3D figure. The guest of the lecture was Boris Simeonov – a student from ARC Academy, who also works at Snapshot Games. He told us how he discovered his passion for art and what inspired him to learn the fundamentals of 3D modeling.

We asked Nikolay Naidenov what he would share about the lecture:

Meeting such an enthusiastic and curious audience was extremely invigorating and inspiring.

You already know the main roles in the game industry – if you want to know more about each of them, this fall we launch a second online course on  “How to become a Game Developer?”. The course is suitable for all video game lovers who dream of developing their creative skills in the game industry. You can find more information about it on our page.